
Our attor­neys come togeth­er to form one of the most pow­er­ful teams in the indus­try. How­ev­er, any good team is always look­ing to add great depth, more expe­ri­ence, and fresh ener­gy. Our out­stand­ing ros­ter of attor­neys sets Woods Ovi­att Gilman apart in the legal mar­ket­place. To main­tain our excel­lence, we know we need to con­tin­ue to add tal­ent­ed attor­neys to our team. So we’re con­stant­ly eval­u­at­ing what the firm has to offer to make Woods Ovi­att Gilman as sought after by prospec­tive employ­ees as we are by our clients. 

While spe­cif­ic attor­ney open­ings may not be list­ed cur­rent­ly, join­ing our tal­ent com­mu­ni­ty ensures your cre­den­tials are always under con­sid­er­a­tion. Your pro­file is valu­able to us, and we wel­come the chance to eval­u­ate your can­di­da­cy for poten­tial roles that align with your background. 

We appre­ci­ate your inter­est in career oppor­tu­ni­ties with Woods Ovi­att Gilman LLP. We are always on the look­out for tal­ent­ed peo­ple with the right experience.


Don’t take our word for it — let our employ­ees take the stand 

We can tell you that Woods Ovi­att Gilman is a great place to work. Or we could let our employ­ees speak for them­selves, in the fol­low­ing testimonials. 

Make a move that makes a difference. 

We look for­ward to con­nect­ing with you. 

See current openings