Pro­fes­sion­al Staff

Our staff is the heart­beat of our firm and the back­bone of every­thing we do for our clients. We know that our rep­u­ta­tion for out­stand­ing ser­vice is a result of our staff’s ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence, and we’re always look­ing to add to our team with peo­ple who share these prin­ci­ples. Staff mem­bers at our firm are remark­able. So much so that they could choose to work at vir­tu­al­ly any firm in the region. We strive every day to make Woods Ovi­att Gilman the firm they want to call home for their entire careers and one that staff mem­bers of oth­er firms can view with envy. 

If there are cur­rent­ly no job open­ings that match your skills or back­ground, we encour­age you to join our tal­ent com­mu­ni­ty. By doing so, we’ll have access to your cre­den­tials, mak­ing it eas­i­er for us to con­sid­er you for upcom­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties that align with your profile.

Legal Assistant, Litigation Tax Paralegal Service Desk Technician, Information Technology Legal Assistant, Real Estate JOIN OUR TALENT COMMUNITY

Don’t just take our word for it — let our employ­ees take the stand 

Sure, we can keep telling you what a great place Woods Ovi­att Gilman is to work. Or we could let our employ­ees speak for them­selves — which we’ve done. See below for var­i­ous real-life tes­ti­mo­ni­als from our very own pas­sion­ate, ded­i­cat­ed people. 

Here’s what some of our employ­ees have to say about work­ing at Woods Ovi­att Gilman:

Make a move that makes a difference. 

We look for­ward to con­nect­ing with you. 

See current openings.