11-21-24 Richard Marchese will be a panelist for The Rochester Business Journal’s Webinar on Senior Care and Elder Care.

Senior & Elder Care Planning 2024

Local experts discuss how the senior living and elder care industries are changing in our region.
10 a.m. | Nov. 21, 2024

Brittany Flanagan, BSW
Director of Eldersource,
Lifespan of Greater Rochester

Richard A. Marchese
Partner,Chair of Elder Care Practice Group
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP
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Brittany Flanagan, BSW:
Brittany Flanagan, BSW is the Director of Eldersource at Lifespan of Greater Rochester. Since 2008, she has specialized in providing care management for older adults.
Through her work she has become an expert in navigating resources for older adults, including financial benefit assessments and benefit applications.
Flanagan provides training on resources and benefits to the care management team at Lifespan, which includes creating training and resource reference materials for staff.
Richard A. Marchese:
Richard A. Marchese is a Partner in Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP’s Elder Law and Health Care Practice Group responsible for handling all elder law and health care issues. He concentrates his practice in Medicaid and Estate planning, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid eligibility and recovery matters, asset protection, issues of spousal support, and the use of trusts in Medicaid planning. Marchese also provides counsel to health care providers in matters of compliance with federal and state regulations, defense of government audits and investigations, voluntary self-disclosures, corporate compliance and professional licensure issues.
Prior to joining the firm, Marchese served for over fifteen years as Chief Counsel to the Monroe County, N.Y. Department of Social Services, advising the Chronic Care, Home Care and Adult Protective units at that agency. Marchese actively pursues appeals of Medicare denials of coverage, denials or discontinuances of Medicaid, and denials of coverage claims from insurance providers, including appeals of long term disability claims. He was Counsel for the Monroe County Provider Fund, Waste and Abuse Demonstration Project, and he now represents Medicaid providers in matters of compliance with government regulations and defense against government audits.